Compound words have simple morphological structures, one or no elements requiring inflection for agreement.
This means that the spelling reflects to some extent the underlying morphological structure of the words, not only their pronunciation.
The morphological structure of a language determines the basic information which must be expressed in that language.
A similar situation occurs considering the homology of morphological structures.
An attempt was made to take advantage of the morphological structure of words to cut down on storage space and search time.
He details the basic points that underpin grammatical theory and the morphological structure of the language.
"The morphological structure of some main verb forms in Hadiyya."
The basic morphological structure of the human breast - female and male - is determined during the prenatal development stage.
It locates these forms by analyzing morphological structure and the principles used to transform words based on part of speech.
The category of verbs has a very sophisticated morphological structure.