In a heterostylous species, two or three different morphological types of flowers, termed morphs, exist in the population.
Similar morphological types are also found in red or in buff colors.
Further south similar morphological types are known, but they are of different wares.
For these reasons, Chippewa's basic morphological type is polysynthetic.
May be mistaken for common algae growth on rocks in habitat because of similar green color and flat in morphological types within a given species.
She wrote that, while there are 12 undisputed adult phoronid species, 25 morphological types of larvae have been identified.
Iloko has two morphological types: Enclitic and Independent.
It is also monandric where only one morphological male type is present.
Other linguists question the basic utility of the concept for typology, since it covers many separate morphological types that have little else in common.
The taxonomy of the Island Thrush is complex, and has defied attempts to split the group based on the four suspected morphological types.