Yet Mr. Ionesco has placed an outrageous physicality in the service of the deepest philosophical thinking -probing the absurdity of man's solitary and mortal condition.
Fear is an unavoidable element of the mortal condition.
Still, they accepted my penitence, knowing the ignorance and frailties of the mortal condition, and I became one with the castle.
In the presence of law to his mind, he is overflowed with a reliance so universal, that it sweeps away all cherished hopes and the most stable projects of mortal condition in its flood.
Now Data, being an android, could recalibrate the conduits, discuss philosophy and the mortal condition, and learn an entirely new violin sonata at the same time--but Geordi was a mere human and, as such, needed to concentrate.
Perfectly and supremely free they felt, proud beyond all question, and surpassing mortal conditions.
Let's just say that as the God of Justice, He wouldn't exactly think it was 'just' to require His followers to forswear something that fundamental to the mortal condition.
This strikes Culturebox as a mortal condition.
"You know, if this formula successfully invigorates a vampire who is clinically dead, it could possibly have applications for certain mortal conditions, like comas or catatonic states."
I think that only a person who knows something of evil can relate to the mortal human condition well enough to lead mortals to goodness.