The bullet left a massive, cracked depression on the side of his head, but failed to do any mortal damage.
He suspected he hadn't gained quite enough momentum to do mortal damage.
On the other hand, he said, if the state has plans to take control of Yukos, they will probably not do it any "mortal damage."
No competitor or other external agent can cause this sort of mortal damage; to find the culprit, senior management needn't look further than a mirror.
However, the ring does not prevent mortal damage automatically.
The blast of the missile had done mortal damage, and she was heavy and sick in his hands.
He saw at a single glance that Golden Dawn had already sustained mortal damage.
He whom the legends credited with mastery of the Sun itself, seemed immune to mortal damage by any lesser fire.
But instead of inflicting mortal damage, the great hands continued only to stroke and pat.
Major, mortal damage was done, had to have been.