An aging ghost, he thought, cruelly reminded that his youthful spirit was living in a mortal shell.
He loathed maintaining this mortal shell.
That was a kind of strength that poured into those who wore the mortal shells of Jousters themselves.
And still he lived, still his soul refused to abandon its pain-wracked mortal shell.
Choppy is stuck inside a rather weak mortal shell, and cannot go back to Heaven until he's fixed things.
The molecules of water will evaporate from my mortal shell, float into the air and join clouds high above all these earthly troubles.
Only allowed to visit earth in the encumbrance of a mortal shell, to be entered upon the invitation of the owner.
This mortal shell was empty, and no trace of its former inhabitant remained.
Emp decided to 'ascend', a Kheran ritual where one discards their mortal shell and becomes one with the universe.
He had transcended his mortal shell through his magic and could now assume any form-or no form at all.