A mosaic map of the Earth survives in the north-western corner.
He was assigned to a Photographic Squadron which made mosaic maps of all coastlines in the Western Hemisphere including Greenland.
Flanary's commission included a work inside the library that consists of three mosaic maps on the linoleum lobby floor.
In the following decades, large portions of the mosaic map were damaged by fires, activities in the new church and by the effects of moisture.
The mosaic map of Madaba is the oldest known geographic floor mosaic in art history.
The Speaker got up from his knees and crossed the vast mosaic map to greet his faithful castellan.
The most popular and well known is the ancient and most complete mosaic map of Jordan and th.
It returns data which when processed can be displayed in a mosaic map which shows patterns of precipitation and its movement.
The PanAsian lieutenant commanding it consulted a recently constructed aerial mosaic map and indicated to the pilot that he was to hover.
The first was photographic reconnaissance - building up a complete mosaic map of the enemy trench system.