The mosque loudspeaker was used to call more Palestinians to the compound.
They came to the village and read a leaflet over mosque loudspeakers banning the interference.
When the gunfire finally stops, the only sound is that of prayers being broadcast from the mosque loudspeakers.
Calls for resistance emanate from mosque loudspeakers when Marine convoys roll past.
As the burned-out car was removed from the scene, a man on a mosque loudspeaker declared: "This is a result of the road map.
An alert was broadcast from radios and mosque loudspeakers on the mainland, prompting thousands to flee to higher ground.
Verses of the Koran were read over mosque loudspeakers.
He restricted the use of mosque loudspeakers and said no preaching of hatred or violence would be allowed.
Calls of "God is great" blared from the mosque loudspeakers.
The crack of gunshots echoed across the plaza as a mosque loudspeaker boomed out warnings to clear the area.