The mosque opened on April 15, 1991, for the feast of Eid ul-Fitr.
Several mosques have opened and groceries now sell Bangladeshi vegetables, spices, and halal meats.
Still, new mosques are opening.
The mosque and türbe opened to the public on 21 May 2010 by President Abdullah Gül.
The mosque of the village opened in May 2004, and holds the daily prayers, Friday prayers and other religious festivities.
For example, one mosque has opened an independent primary school whilst another has been granted permission to register weddings in its mosque.
The mosque opened ten years later, in 1995, the same year as the Cathédrale d'Évry.
Northern New Jersey's first mosque to be built for that purpose opened in Teaneck in 1986.
The reconstructed mosque opened again for full use in August, 2009.
Three mosques have opened in the last few years, increasing in size while the congregations at neighboring Roman Catholic churches dwindle.