The family's summer home "Vernon View" was on the tidal waters and Mercer's long summers there among mossy trees, saltwater marshes, and soft, starry nights inspired him years later.
The fragrance the victim wore had a musky undertone calling up ballrooms and orchids, and maybe moonlit trysts under mossy trees.
El Yunque, by far the more famous of the two, is lush and verdant - a damp, steamy rainforest full of vibrant parrots, mossy trees covered in red bromeliad blooms, croaking coqui frogs and humidity-loving orchids.
Live in evergreen rainforest, which active in mossy trees and on rocky boulders in submontane and montane pristine forest.
In the first room hangs a thinly painted landscape by Bart Domburg, depicting a Novemberish view of a big mossy tree and a glassy lake with a forested hillside in the distance.
Next morning the Japanese boys pushed on, a yard at a time, lost in cold fog, great mossy trees and pinnacles of rock.
There were still waterbirds taking their fastidious little steps in the saltwater, where mossy trees dipped down as if to drink.
His portraits of gnarled, mossy trees along the Carmans River glory in the contrast between sharp detail and blurred reflections, and his shot of an ivy-covered abandoned barn and water tower in Riverhead celebrates nature's power to reclaim what humanity has imposed on the land.
She looked around at the huge, mossy trees with distaste.
Much of the fen was obscured by thick growths of tangled brush, and slumping, mossy trees.