That was the most acrimonious exchange they'd ever had, though Leah wasn't known for the ability to get along with others.
The press are describing the leadership contest as the most acrimonious in living memory, and one from which the party may never recover.
One official described the confrontation "the most acrimonious" ever.
The current round of exchanges is the most acrimonious of all.
In this case, I should favor a most acrimonious divorce: one party having seriously misused the other.
The following two years were the most acrimonious in the club's history.
Still, the candidates had trouble attracting voters' attention, and their contest became one of the season's most acrimonious.
The image of Ford's firing squad set the tone for what may go down as the most acrimonious season anyone can remember.
"They were the most acrimonious and joyful parties around," he said.
The anti-dumping issue is also becoming the most acrimonious here in Geneva.