Even among the most advantaged and educated people there are many who return from abroad, baggage brimming with Western luxuries, to carry on life in their native land.
To blacks, even the most advantaged, that attitude is a bitter reminder of the souring of the urban dream.
"Cyador is the most advantaged and cultured civilization we've seen."
"But we want to have much more outreach into low-income communities and really broaden the spectrum from the most advantaged to the least."
As a result, our students have won in demanding academic competitions against some of the best, most advantaged students in the country.
Higher education is a non-universal service which, disproportionately benefits the most advantaged.
Anorak 3 is wrong in the assertion that 'Higher education is a non-universal service which, disproportionately benefits the most advantaged'.
Critics also argued that America Works did not address a worker's long-term needs and catered to the most advantaged welfare recipients.
By what concept of equity must those at the bottom of the ladder bear the burden of protecting the economic well-being of the most advantaged?
Health differences across social strata in comparison with the most advantaged group or an absolute standard suggest inequities in health [4,5].