Some say the world this year will post its most anemic growth since the early 1980's.
But then, the output should not have surprised anyone because the Braves and the Cubs are among the four most anemic teams in the league.
Spending increased two-tenths of 1 percent, the most anemic gain in 12 months, to an annual rate of $3.53 trillion.
It was the most anemic growth since March 1995.
As a result, the fertility rate is now one of the most anemic in the Western world.
The result was their most anemic offensive performance of the year and a 90-68 loss to the Cleveland Cavaliers on Friday night.
That results were the most anemic since March of 1995, when sales declined 0.1 percent compared with the month a year earlier.
A good 17 of its 23 teams lost money, and the league pondered folding as many as four of the most anemic ones.
Kos wasn't a warship; it couldn't develop the acceleration of the most anemic civilian cargo vessel on insystem drive.
"The current recovery in the U.S. economy has been the most anemic on record," he said.