It is known as the campus' most appetizing dining hall, with students often trekking to it from all colleges.
The servers were bringing out huge silver platters piled high with cuts of juicy pink lamb, the most appetizing dish they'd seen all evening.
"The interior is painted dark red, which has been found by restaurant magazines to be the most appetizing and flattering color," Mr. Stutler said.
Bacon and hardtack for seventeen consecutive days, after three weeks of travel ration, do not form the most appetizing diet in the world.
Interleague ball was a major success this season, mainly because the owners arranged the most appetizing and obvious matches.
Strange to say, its title proved to be the most appetizing thing about it.
There was a little pile of sandwiches there, looking most appetizing.
But the moment the meal lands at their feet, the rush to grab the most appetizing morsels begins.
After all, she's not only the most appetizing thing on stage but also one of the show's few performers guaranteed not to cause tooth decay.
Then the chef's paunchy stomach lit up with the selection of dishes; not the most appetizing location, Jan thought.