At the same time, these pieces are among the most approachable things she has done.
She described him as "a most approachable and understanding person who talked to me a good deal."
It is not the most approachable wine, but in the long run it was easily the most pleasing.
Bausch honoured him with a wistful piece, named simply 1980, which many consider her most approachable work.
A great time for everyone, and one of the most approachable games on the system.
By 1946, he's at his most approachable.
He was also, on his own admission, the most approachable man in the hospital.
You've never been the most approachable man, Bobby.
In their defence, I'm not the most approachable woman in the world and many of them were simply unused to female company.
And artists are probably the most approachable people you can find.