Of all the secrets preserved by the priesthood, writing was one of the most powerful and the most arcane.
Blaise was impressed by Smoot's confident mastery of politics at its most arcane.
But there was still no limit to the confidence with which he would investigate even the most arcane and esoteric possibilities.
Chief engineers had to be practical by nature, able to take the most arcane concepts and crystallize them into some useful shape.
There is a sense that even the most arcane collecting specialty might be satisfied here.
The laws are among the most arcane in the statute book, and subject to varying interpretations.
"She really sort of gets it - and it can be the most arcane technical problem."
His interests ranged from lifting weights to the most arcane of martial arts.
To her astonishment, James Kelly did not seem bored by even the most arcane piece of information.
The first two couch lovely melodies in some of the most arcane and original harmonies ever written.