'The management system is the most atrocious I have experienced', said one.
The party is in support of capital punishment, however believes that its use should be reserved for the most atrocious criminal acts.
I knew they imputed to me the most atrocious crimes without being able to learn in what these consisted.
There is a heavy irony here, since for the narrator, improving your station in life justifies the most atrocious measures.
Even in the middle of the most atrocious cacophony one has time to dream.
The point is that Clyde, who works as some sort of parking attendant, really behaves in the most atrocious manner.
Because people wish me to do the most atrocious things.
As one critic says, "life's truths are viewed in their most atrocious form".
Barnes was responsible for one of the most atrocious putting performances ever seen in a professional tournament.
It is the most atrocious form of violence perpetrated against women.