Now, in this most bearish of times, Mr. Beard is about to receive a memorial commensurate with his stature.
Mr. Annable, one of the most bearish forecasters on interest rates, looks for long-bond rates to average about 7 percent next year.
The most bearish 22-day periods are concentrated in April of this year and in April 1994.
The macroeconomic view may be the most bearish.
Mr. Russell of Dow Theory is one of the most bearish technicians.
"This is the most bearish bond market sentiment recorded by our survey since we started in June of 1983," he said.
The most bearish of options trading strategies is the simple put buying strategy utilized by most novice options traders.
Those ads reflected more accurately the views of the firm's investment strategists, who have been among the most bearish on Wall Street for more than a year.
He said the model gave its most bearish reading since 1984, even stronger than the sell signal it gave on Oct. 7, 1987.
This is the most bearish meeting I've ever attended.