And isn't pink the most bewitching color in the world?
And she does wear the most bewitching things!
The most bewitching little face turned first to him, then stared at the ground.
And then smiled in the most bewitching way as she knelt and touched the boy.
They open at sundown, just as the morning glories close, with the most bewitching fragrance.
For Bradbury, the most bewitching force in the universe is human nature.
Among the most bewitching pieces he ever wrote are the piano concertos, composed at the end of his career, between 1945 and 1957.
However, her mother did not know that, but thought her the most bewitching maiden that ever was seen.
My good friends," said he, with his most bewitching smile, "this is nothing but a misunderstanding.
On the silver screen, the sexiest, most bewitching stars make smoking look glamorous again.