In act five, his views on God "represent the most blasphemous attack on religion in German literature up to that time.
Years ago the Vatican said that one version was the "most blasphemous show in the history of television."
"Until the CDJ-1000 came along, the most blasphemous thing that a vinyl jock could do was to use a CD."
One of the most blasphemous acts since the Crucifixion, eh?
Hill also gained a reputation as being one of the most blasphemous and obscene swearers in the Keweenaw Peninsula.
Years ago, the Vatican called "Mistero Buffo" the "most blasphemous show in the history of television."
The Vatican called it the "most blasphemous show in the history of television."
Even so, the Vatican still denounced Mistero buffo as "the most blasphemous show in the history of television".
The film's most blasphemous notion is that spiritual passion is essentially repressed lust.
But it also makes her, Mr. Bloom wrote, "the most blasphemous writer that ever lived."