They are worse than the most callous priest or judge, like tiny children in their self-righteousness.
It was the most brutal, the most callous thing I ever saw!
Confronted with some of the most callous follies of this extraordinary life, the "so what?"
Even in that most callous and disembodied form of musical presentation, her exceptional achievement is clear.
This has got to be the coldest, most callous thing I have ever seen.
That is a most callous thing to say, and only makes a person feel owned, and with no control over his life.
Only the most callous would want defenceless elderly men and women to suffer as a result.
"Everyone agrees that the spectacle of housing a family in a hotel room offends even the most callous of us."
So perished one of the most callous and cold-blooded criminals of the century.
It was a joyless union, satisfactory to no one but Mother Nature at her most callous.