In effect, your wireless laptop becomes the memory card - yes, the world's biggest and heaviest, but also the most capacious.
The current generation is by far the most capacious iPod, with 160 GB of storage.
In recent months, scores of digital-camera owners lusting after the most capacious memory card available discovered they didn't have to spend a fortune.
Bloomsday is the most capacious day in literature.
Military saddlebags are most capacious.
The cathedral and most capacious churches were placed at his disposal, but proved wholly inadequate to accommodate the multitude that desired to hear him.
There comes an end to all things; the most capacious measure is filled at last; and this brief condescension to evil finally destroyed the balance of my soul.
But, of course, not everything can be included in even the most capacious historical narrative.
My iPod, by the way, is the most capacious player on the market.
Throughout his career, his eye was always on the biggest prize, the most capacious theory.