Although he carried a price on his head which once would have bought a planet, Stilgar seemed the happiest and most carefree of men.
He added, "It is true to say all those countless hours he spent at his easel were among the most carefree and happy of his life."
Even the most carefree admitted this.
It's the most carefree soccer in the whole world.
Are you a fool, or simply the most carefree man on Majipoor?
T'Lana's time with the Enterprise had not been the most carefree of endeavors.
They ate the gayest, most carefree meal they had had since leaving earth.
This is foraging at its most carefree and joyous.
Jetmen were the most carefree of the lot, and the meanest.
It was the most carefree feeling she'd had in a very long time.