The most chaste of melodies finds itself in bizarre settings and total reversals of mood.
It was the most chaste kiss a woman not related to him had ever given him.
Well, my liege, Your Grace hath a most chaste and loving wife.
"With his testicles undescended and no organ for copulation, I'd say he's got a shot at being the most chaste man ever lived."
Your mother was, I was sure, a most chaste and respectable lady.
Films in India are subject to Draconian censorship: until very recently not even the most chaste kiss was allowed on screen.
The people are the most chaste and one of the most temperate of island peoples.
Besides, I sit by the fairest and most chaste lady in the court and I must not tease her.
It was the most chaste of kisses, but his magic made it more.