The most committed customers are probably the children from Public School 3, just a block away.
He is regarded by some as one of the most committed anti-inflationists in government throughout the 1950s and 1960s.
Even the most committed growth investors have their breaking points.
Tossed off and improvised, it was the most committed part of the show.
By now they've both seen what can happen in Hollywood to even the most committed couple.
In 2011, the post of captain was given to him for being the most committed player.
The most committed recipients, the theory holds, want to read a lot about the issue and the group they are joining.
It was big enough to satisfy all but the most committed size queens.
When we see what is happening to them, even the most committed amongst us may begin to have our doubts.
Nowadays the most committed human rights and peace activists in Serbia are also women.
It was in the Mediterranean that navies remained most committed to battleship warfare.
The more cynical Poles, and those most committed to the opposition, are advising skepticism.
The 13 core members seem to be the most intensely committed to the community.
To economic conservatives, he pitches himself as the candidate most strongly committed to slashing spending and taxes.
American officials say he is the senior official most committed to fighting the traffickers.
Parrish became the tobacco executive most committed to ensuring that a deal was cut, and he took huge risks to make it happen.
Yet underlying problems the city had before the disaster might frustrate the effort even of those most committed to help.
The Independents were the party most committed to experimental predestinariaism, the position that one can have assurance of election in this life.
Only those most committed to the noble cause entered the battle with the intention of withstanding until nightfall.
The political leaders most committed to economic reform have been purged.