The drive to home ownership and the benefits to buyers was most concerted in Manchester and Central North Side.
The Islanders, who outshot Atlanta in the second period, 18-9, came away empty five minutes later when they made their most concerted offensive effort.
Give it your most concerted attention.and then just vote for Morrissey as usual.
The film's studied, shadowy look, at times so striking that the actors' features can't clearly be seen, becomes its most concerted effort to capture the spirit of Parker's music.
Consider that you could arm your weekend warriors and with our most concerted aid ferret out every rebel enchanter remaining on Earth.
"All you can do is make the most concerted and strongest effort that's humanly possible," he said.
The Government deployed 10,000 officers to rout about 2,000 workers at the shipyard in its most concerted move yet to quash labor unrest this spring.
We are now engaged in the most concerted and most successful effort ever undertaken to enforce subway rules.
Democrats in the Senate mounted their most concerted challenge to the proposed balanced-budget amendment supported by Republicans, but lost in a close vote.
The dollar selling by the central banks, led by the Bundesbank of West Germany, represented their most concerted intervention yet during the dollar's weeklong rally.