This illness is most contagious the week before the rash appears.
It could be the common cold, which is most contagious during the first two days after symptoms start.
This is probably the most contagious form of pink eye.
He had never encountered such confident people in his life, and confidence is the most contagious of all diseases.
"Are colds and the flu most contagious before or after you start showing symptoms?"
If you think about how a virus works, it makes sense that we're most contagious when our symptoms are at their worst.
As a general rule, people with a cold are most contagious about three days after their initial exposure to the virus.
In general, people are at their most contagious approximately three days after having been exposed to a virus.
Many of us understand that we're most contagious before we start feeling sick.
An infected person is most contagious during this stage.