Lean bass lines, stuttering drumbeats, chords placed coolly on the backbeat and melodies like bluesy epigrams add up to some of the most danceable music on earth.
The album's most danceable tune, "Nobody Knows Me," ponders thoughts like, "It's no good when you're misunderstood, but why should I care what the world thinks of me?"
Brackpool wrote favorably about "Grand Ideas" and made comparisons to Vangelis and Tangerine Dream, while Hoffman named it the most danceable track on the album.
Mr. Morris chose essays that seemed "the most danceable" to him.
Jon Pareles from The New York Times considered it as the album's most danceable song.
PopMatters' Mark Anthony Neal called it "the most danceable hip-hop recording" of 1986.
David Griffiths wrote for 4Music that the song is "definitely their most danceable effort to date."
On Saturday nights, the Fieldstones, one of the most danceable bands ever, play not-too-slick blues.
Most of this record is among the most danceable white rock music of its period...
This concerto, written in 1943-44, is not the most danceable score, and it may have led Mr. Kudelka into a form of repetitiousness that looks more banal than it actually is.