Pitino may be the most demonstrative, but Williams is facing his mentor, Smith.
In the most demonstrative gesture of affection to date, the father places a hand on his son's head.
Ironically, Kirimaru and Nu are probably the pair which have one of the most demonstrative father-son relationships.
The act was the most demonstrative one of the night for the 61-year-old Casey, who looked almost like a Calipari clone.
I mean, he's not the most demonstrative of men.
Nick was never the most demonstrative of children, but he was generally even-tempered.
"You were never the warmest or most demonstrative man, but you've become cold as ice."
Sure, The La's will never be stand-up comedians or the most demonstrative folk, but this music does send you places.
Canadians are not normally the most demonstrative in showing their emotions, but this is clearly a matter of national pride.
In her most demonstrative moment, the Attorney General gently puffed her cheeks as the play button was hit again on tape day.