The most dismaying incident concerns a remarkable display of directorial arrogance and self-righteousness:
The most dismaying thing about this was that everyone felt so sorry for me.
That was the most dismaying fact.
What was most dismaying was that Compton was 99 per cent non-white with a black mayor and a black police chief.
But the most dismaying thing for many people here is the shortage and size of the critter that has become the city's mascot: the crayfish.
This, for me as a high achieving, aspirational professional, is the most dismaying aspect of my job.
Dr. Bailey then gave her the most dismaying news: "It is not in my capacity or knowledge to tell you specifically what to do."
Perhaps the most dismaying statistic was that 91 percent of those interviewed felt that the amount of safety information provided on the plane was "just about right."
"That's one of the most dismaying aspects of trying to build affordable housing," said Robert Sanborn, Westhab's vice president for real estate development.
His arms were muscular and faintly tanned, just the sight of them enough to arouse the most dismaying sensations in the pit of her stomach.