THE nearly 50 pounds of plutonium that will produce electricity on the Galileo probe make this space shuttle launching the most disputed ever.
Three years after one of the most disputed presidential contests in the nation's history, Americans remain polarized and divided as they approach the 2004 White House election.
Inside, the line snakes past several of the center's bays and subsections before reaching the most disputed photographs.
Within legal circles, DID has been described as one of the most disputed psychiatric diagnoses and forensic assessments.
It's probably going to be one of the most disputed Olympic Games in history.
The most disputed regional elections were cancelled by Hodge but the new elections again led to rightist triumph.
Thus the most thorough examination of Florida's uncounted ballots provides ammunition for both sides in what remains the most disputed and mystifying presidential election in modern times.
Democrats said explicitly that they would abandon some of the most disputed Republican practices.
His boldest and most disputed action at Williams was guiding the process that led to the disbanding of the college's system of fraternities in 1962.
While the revision is an effort to appease some critics, it still retains its most disputed element - a provision that would make it illegal to discriminate against homosexuals.