Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, however, the Popular Movement has gradually shed the most doctrinaire legacies of its Marxist past.
His most important domestic policy initiative by far, his massive tax cuts, received only token Democratic support and catered to his own party's most doctrinaire wing.
Even the most doctrinaire Democrats would concede that there is room in the United States news media for a conservative cable news network.
In 1975 Time magazine called Douglas "the most doctrinaire and committed civil libertarian ever to sit on the court".
But with the Vietnamese economy showing signs of collapse by the mid-1980's, the need for more liberal, pragmatic economic policies became clear to all but the most doctrinaire members of the party.
And done so, moreover, with a solidarity which would have won the unadulterated approval of the most doctrinaire anarcho-syndicalist.
The anti-Liberal Democratic coalition, including the Socialists without their most doctrinaire leftist segment, was controlled by Ichiro Ozawa, who split away with many of his party's most nationalistic and corrupt elements.
Not even the most doctrinaire "original intent" jurist maintains that the determination is to be made as of 1791, when the Bill of Rights became part of the Constitution.
His prime minister, Gulbedein Hektmatyar, the most doctrinaire of the mujahedeen leaders and the biggest recipient of American aid, shelled the capital into swaths of rubble.
It is a true crossover phenomenon, which has kept its credibility among electronic dance music's core audience - one of the most doctrinaire subcultures - while appealing to more mainstream musical constituencies.