And he does seem a most estimable young man.
He seemed a most estimable gentleman, however.
He lived in the finest house in town, kept a carriage and was a most estimable man variously.
A most estimable young woman and as dull as ditchwater, but he thought the world of her.
Now we know a little about Mr. Varsov, and he's not the most estimable of characters.
The man who does away with himself, performs the most estimable of deeds; he almost deserves to live for having done so.
This is the most estimable attention to aesthetic impact section.
A most estimable servant, thought Genji, jotting down a poem on a sheet of paper he had at hand.
The sermon, by a most estimable cleric, described the significance of the occasion.
He added: "I admit that some of the people I write about are not of the most estimable character.