This was one of the most excruciating dull films I've ever seen.
A lovely old house really, done up in the most excruciating women's magazine 'good taste'.
"I just sat there all day, and it was the most excruciating thing ever," she said.
But the most excruciating part was being opened like this and hearing their soft voices now as they talked of her.
Perhaps the most excruciating part of the day for me was the villages.
It was probably the most excruciating encounter of Polly's life.
"We know that this is always the steepest part, and the most excruciating."
All he could do was answer in his clear pure voice with the most excruciating candor.
I think it might actually be the most excruciating bad trailer I've ever seen.
There was a pause, the most excruciating silence Sandy had ever heard.