Only modern technology could have turned this former patch of desert into one of the world's most flourishing metropolises.
Poirot stepped forward and started the conversation in his most flourishing manner.
He celebrated Page 122 Britain as the most flourishing and opulent country in the world.
Tibet is home to the largest and most flourishing polyandrous community in the world today.
There was evidently no such finality about the second great natural science, perhaps the most flourishing of all in the nineteenth century, chemistry.
But the most flourishing Christian communities are wiped out without trace these days.
By his statesmanlike policy he brought the colony into a most flourishing condition.
I say that this culture ended suddenly in its most flourishing age.
He had not seemed on such very good terms with the dead lady, nor had their correspondence been of the most flourishing.
These people were one of the most flourishing of the Iroquois nations: warriors, and difficult to convert.