Imagine the world's highest-paid soccer player coming to play in the world's most frugal league.
He is also one of the most frugal.
We were running a theater and preparing a season in the most frugal, not-for-profit way you could imagine.
"This is about finding the most frugal and best way to spend your money."
The French, among the most frugal of cooks, would never dream of tossing out the little livers in chickens.
"However, every year I send $20 to the fund and know that you will make it stretch further than even the most frugal shopper," she said.
During that time, praise for this most frugal of Fusions has been universally positive.
Disney, which has a reputation as the most frugal of the studios, completed "Dead Poets" for approximately $15 million.
Even the most frugal do-it-yourself pool owner can't avoid the expense of pumping, unless he happens to have his own private power station.
The best and most frugal way of levying a tax can never be by farm.