Simple sets can turn up in even the most high-tech settings.
It is not the most high-tech practice in Westchester County, the vets are quick to say.
We are the most high-tech art and design college in the world because of his visionary leadership.
Hong Kong has a vast range of the most high-tech audio-visual, sound, and screen equipment.
If that was all he had, he would be nothing but the world's most high-tech voyeur.
But applying it assiduously has helped create two of the last decade's biggest, most high-tech fashion successes.
I now drive the most high-tech, fuel-efficient car humankind has ever created, and it turns out there's something even my dad could not have guessed.
Even on the most high-tech, high-falutin' superships, a cruise is a step back into the past.
It has been named the most high-tech place on Earth in a 2012 poll.
This ball, which measures six feet in diameter, is undoubtedly the most high-tech one yet.