A Contradiction, Architect Says But most illustrative has been the architectural dispute.
Most appealing though, and perhaps most illustrative of what Python became, are the clips from 1968's "Do Not Adjust Your Set."
Perhaps most illustrative of the change are the Army's light divisions, just coming on line.
Concrete Products v Natal Leather Industries is the leading and most illustrative case on the determination of reasonable time.
Perhaps the most illustrative and consequential conversion events involved Martin Luther, the founder of German Protestantism.
"As I said before, your own example is most illustrative--" I switched off my Net-rune.
As orientation weeks go, yours has been most illustrative.
Incremental stimulation is the most illustrative of the concept, and so will be discussed here.
Perhaps the most illustrative aspect of the Jesus movement was its communal aspect.
Even at her most illustrative, with helmeted soldiers stamping and looting, the "Soldier's Wife" section becomes political commentary, not a literal picture.