Abandoned, like Napoleon, he joined battle with the most implacable of enemies: time.
Now, for the first time in more than 15 years, he is back in the assembly as perhaps the Government's most implacable enemy.
The Belgian populace continued to show the most implacable hostility.
"Worse, she will be replaced by our most implacable enemy."
Northmour, whom I knew for the most implacable and daring of men, had run away!
Even some who have been his most implacable foes are promising cooperation rather than obstruction.
I do welcome the fact that some movements, which were at one time some of the most implacable, have now gathered around the table.
You are either your greatest friend or your most implacable enemy.
George Forley was most implacable and unrelenting to one of his two daughters who made a poor marriage.
They will feel betrayed, and the betrayed are the most implacable of opponents.