CLER: 'Slight, you have done the most inconsiderate, rash, weak thing, that ever man did to his friend.
The fear of the Bourbons must indeed have had a powerful influence on the First Consul before he could have been induced to take a step which may justly be regarded as the most inconsiderate of his whole life.
I do think it was most inconsiderate of him to have died without telling anyone where the jewels were.
"Harry, dear, that's most inconsiderate of you, badgering poor Mr. Quayle for chess when--" But Justin interrupted her before she could finish her sentence.
You are the most inconsiderate brute I have ever had the misfortune of knowing, Jason Malory.
'You're the cruellest and most inconsiderate people in the world,' said Mrs Varden, bridling.
I owe you my life, so it would be most inconsiderate of me to kill you.
That's a most inconsiderate plan.
They could suggest nothing, and none of them has heard from her This is by far the most inconsiderate stunt she's ever pulled.
The book review is currently tasked with reinventing itself, thanks to the Internet, where the most inconsiderate reader could post a thumbs-up/thumbs-down review on sites where they could wreak considerable damage.