By seeking to spend their way back to growth, successive cabinets here have turned Japan into the industrialized world's most indebted country.
Now they are among the world's poorest, most indebted societies.
As a result, Japan is the world's most indebted country, with public debt recently estimated at 130 percent of the gross national product.
Consider the 700 million people living in the 41 poorest, most indebted countries.
Here is a look at the latest debt numbers for the second most indebted nation on earth:
The money from the sale would be invested, with the proceeds used to help pay off the debts of the most indebted countries.
My husband and I are most indebted to ye.
People have recognized that debt problems are a serious impediment to healthy development in the most indebted countries.
Nor would it place us among the most indebted of industrialized political economies today.
Nigeria, which owes about $36 billion overall, is one of the most indebted nations in the world.