It became instantly popular at the college as a result of its simplicity and power, appealing to even the most inexperienced users.
For he had been the most inexperienced of bridegrooms.
Swift, the youngest and most inexperienced of the team, was nervous.
His workshops give even the most inexperienced painter the skills to paint their own icon.
It is certain, though, that he will be the most inexperienced.
Gone were the days of complicated installations that all but the most inexperienced observer could detect with enough effort.
In any case, the police did not offer a high enough salary for any but the most inexperienced official.
I was the youngest and most inexperienced member, and had to learn fast.
All provide readers with simple and delicious recipes that can be prepared by even the most inexperienced cook.
At the most important position in football, we're the most inexperienced.