But I am too bad myself to cast a stone at the worst and most injurious of men.
This treaty was in the end most injurious to the states of Brunswick.
If the need is not satisfied it can have the most injurious results.
The most injurious manifestations of hatemongering are acts of rage.
But it is Glazer's tone, more than his factual inaccuracy, that is most injurious.
The uncertainty for her is most injurious and unnecessary.
Verses are the most indispensable thing in music, but rhymes, for the sake of rhymes, the most injurious.
She explained that a contact with the allies, like the one we had, produced a most injurious perspiration that had to be washed off immediately.
Furpulling was among the most noxious occupations and one of the most injurious to health:
The night air, he used to say, was most injurious.