Comparisons are most instructive when they pay attention to positive and negative attitudes of the society under study.
The relationship with Roosevelt was of course the most important at the time, and it is the most instructive today.
This proved to be not only remunerative, but a most instructive experience in many ways.
It's in the middle classes that the differences are most instructive.
"I feel that my experiments have been most instructive."
One of the most instructive aspects of the show is its ability to bring together works that need to be seen in groups or series.
Also most instructive about the town's history are three town plans from 1635, 1655 and 1688.
Samoa is, for the moment, the main and the most instructive exception to the rule.
"Television" might be the greatest and most instructive soap opera of them all.
The hearings of the temporary committee on improving safety at sea have been most instructive.