A. Violets are one of the most invasive plants a gardener can grow.
Few species stay under control and the most invasive are usually the woodland violets that quickly take over a space and more.
As such it has become one of the continent's most invasive species.
It has been described as "the most invasive decapod species to enter the Mediterranean".
This from a man who has had the most invasive visit to date.
The plant pathogen is one of the world's most invasive species and is present in over 70 countries from around the world.
"The bulkheads are shielded against even the most invasive scans."
The most invasive investigation is a muscle biopsy, which will be done under a local anesthetic before and after the mission.
This is one of the most invasive herbs, sending out underground shoots that pop up where you don't want them.
Black rats and goats have been particularly damaging to the environment but perhaps the most invasive species of all are humans.