Indeed, Cameron is arguably the most left-wing Conservative leader in modern times.
Mayor Giuliani refused to comment directly on the lawsuit, but he described the plaintiffs as "the most partisan group of Democrats, who are the most left-wing."
Winnipeg North had very prominent Jewish and Ukrainian communities in this period, and was by far the most left-wing section of the city.
An agreement on the electoral alliance of the country's two most important left-wing groups is expected to be signed here Monday.
Michael Cassidy was elected leader, but being the most left-wing of the three leadership candidates, he was not fully trusted by the party establishment.
More and more, however, GreenLeft is seen as the most left-wing and most progressive of the three parties.
And when I look at the people around her, they tend to be the most left-wing of the left-wing Democrats.
After the Independent Budget Office filed its lawsuit in April, he called it "the most partisan group of Democrats, who are the most left-wing."
Does even the most left-wing Democrat want to defend the proposition that the world would be better off with Saddam in power?
Brown "seemed to be the most left-wing and right-wing man in the field.