Even at his most manipulative, Harrison is always worth reading.
Nor should there be for getting rich, though the most manipulative people always find a way.
It's the most manipulative thing on the face of the earth.
Considered one of "daytime's most manipulative witches", Herring has stated that she is very different from her character.
Ten pages from the end of a 307-page novel, Jean finally announces that Dara "was the most manipulative person I have ever met."
She added, "He has used race in the most manipulative way."
"You've got it in you to be the most manipulative person on earth."
After a moment, she said, "You make her sound cold and most manipulative."
Finally, Sagan arrives as well, having learned that Dion is now in the grip of the most manipulative man alive.
She added that some parts of the film "feel as false as the most manipulative feel-good drama's catharsis.