I trust I have not offended you," Naniescu went on in his most mellifluous tone, "by the suggestion.
How, I asked them in my most mellifluous voice, did they expect to photograph anything in front of their eyes if getting the camera out was going to involve a major production?
I smiled, and then whispering all the words I knew, fashioning the most mellifluous incantations I could, I changed myself into Esther.
"Caesar, your hand will always be needed," said Plancus, at his most mellifluous.
"Yes," she said, breathing forth the syllable like the most mellifluous note that Tulou's flute had ever sighed.
"Welsh is a most mellifluous language," David told us.
I'm sure you will agree with me," she said in a most mellifluous tone of voice, "that nothing could possibly follow Opus 111.
His work was described as possessing "an unrivaled originality of conception, with the most mellifluous flow of language."
Miss Jackson's interpretation of "Something Wonderful," which is neatly defined by the song's title, is the evening's most mellifluous moment.
"Quirites," he began in his most mellifluous voice, "this has been a momentous year for Rome-" "Veto, veto!"