The Gentleman contemplated the writhing figure for several seconds, the most obscene of all possible smiles playing about the edges of fine aristocratic lips.
Many critics, of many countries, have regarded it as the most obscene and depraved book ever published in the history of literature.
And in a way, when Burke thought of it at all, he considered this last possibility the most obscene.
"You know what the two most obscene words in the English language are, Cathy?"
Dioneo narrates what is by far the most obscene and bawdy tale in the Decameron.
When Ms. Faulkner spoke with the company, she said she received the "most obscene phone call I had ever gotten."
"A blog like this is narcissism in its most obscene flowering," she said.
The most obscene swear words are never to be used in any circumstances.
One of the ruder posters consisted of Ronald Reagan with a super- imposed hand making a most obscene manual gesture.
This has to be the most obscene and offensive item to appear on this website.