In the end his self-involvement was his undoing, isolating him from all but the most obsequious chess-world worshipers.
He is far from the most obsequious of employees.
Then Rojer made a most obsequious bow.
Eddington looked more thoughtful, and Tiron, of course, was attempting to make his point in the most obsequious manner possible.
"Monseigneur..." he began in his most obsequious tone.
"Yes, Senor Malik," Rodriquez said in his most obsequious tone.
The man blanched and became the most obsequious of public servants.
We shall pen a most flatteringand obsequious dedication to be included with the text, if you will permit?
In a few moments Servadac approached, and the Jew began to overwhelm him with the most obsequious epithets.
Every one of them is fed, curried, rubbed, and waited on in the most obsequious manner.