The thing about which his mother was most obtuse was Forster's sexual orientation.
"If you aren't the most obtuse button I ever -" "Jilian," she said, coolly.
Within the hub was a palatial suite, to which the Drin had pretentiously added examples of their finest or most obtuse smithery.
Thank heaven a sense of justice penetrates even the most obtuse administrative bodies before it is too late.
She used the tone Charity knew was reserved for only the most obtuse.
But only the most obtuse among them could have ignored the troubling ambiguity of the experience.
She had the blankest, most obtuse blue eyes he had ever seen on anyone.
He went about solving it, however, in the most obtuse and ham-handed fashion.
The symbolism wasn't lost on any but the most obtuse.
You are The most obtuse, knuckle-headed Hanson ever born!